Notice of Meeting of the Members of GOLD Credit Union

The board of directors of GOLD Credit Union have called a special meeting of the members of this credit union at Cedar Crest College Alumnae Hall Auditorium, 100 College Drive, Allentown, PA, 18104 on March 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM.

The purpose of this meeting is:

  1. To consider and act upon a plan and proposal for merging GOLD Credit Union with and into United Federal Credit Union (hereinafter referred to as the “Continuing Credit Union”), whereby all assets and liabilities of GOLD Credit Union will be merged with and into the Continuing Credit Union. All members of GOLD Credit Union will become members of the Continuing Credit Union and will be entitled to and will receive shares in the Continuing Credit Union for the shares they own in GOLD Credit Union on the effective date of the merger.

  2. To ratify, confirm and approve the action of the board of directors in authorizing the officers of GOLD Credit Union, subject to the approval of members, to do all things and to execute all agreements, documents, and other papers necessary to carry out the proposed merger.

The board of directors of GOLD Credit Union encourages you to attend the meeting and vote on the proposed merger. Whether or not you expect to attend the meeting, we urge you to sign, date, and promptly return the enclosed ballot or click the Begin Voting button below to vote on the proposed merger.

If you wish to submit comments about the merger to share with other members, you may submit them to the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) at:

or mail to:
NCUA - Office of Credit Union Resources and Expansion
1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
RE: Member-to-Member Communication for GOLD Credit Union

The NCUA will post comments received from members on its website, along with the member's name, subject to the limitations and requirements of its regulations.

The Credit Union and the board of directors believe it will be beneficial to the members of the combined credit union to retain the services of all of GOLD Credit Union’s 30+ employees after the merger, offering no less than their current individual salary compensation. To reward them for their service and incent them to remain after the merger, all GOLD employees will be paid retention bonuses between 20% and 40% of their GOLD salary as of January 1, 2024.

Please note that the proposed merger must have the approval of the majority of members who vote.

Enclosed with this Notice of Special Meeting is a Ballot for Merger Proposal. If you cannot attend the meeting, please complete the Ballot and return it to CUBALLOT – Election Processing, E Space Communications Inc., P.O. Box 3156, Dublin, OH, 43016-9842. To be counted, your ballot must be received by Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 5:00PM.