2024 West Oregon Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting
Dear Member:
You are invited to attend the annual meeting of the members of West Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc. on Saturday, 24 August 2024 at 11:00 a.m. The meeting will be held at Vernonia High School, Cafeteria.
The purpose for the annual meeting is:
- To elect directors to serve three-year terms for Districts 1, 4, and 6.
- To hear and consider the reports of officers and directors.
- To transact other business that shall properly come before the membership.
Electronic voting instructions are below.
Voting will close at 11:00 a.m. on 22 August 2024. Ballots returned to the WOEC Headquarters by this date and time will be tabulated. Paper Ballots received with unsigned Member Identity forms will be disqualified.
By using the mail or electronic voting options, you have consented to voting in such manner for this election. If you do not use the vote-by-mail ballot or electronic option, you may cast your ballot in person at the annual meeting. (You will be given a ballot at the annual meeting, as mail in ballots must be received by 22 August).
We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting!
Thank you,
West Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Mark Ludeman, Secretary/Treasurer
After clicking the Begin Voting button below, you will be directed to a secure web site for this voting process. You will first be prompted for your Election PIN (provided by mail).